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Mastering Internal Comms Plans: Balancing Strategy and an Actionable Plan

Now, let's dive deeper into how these concepts apply specifically to internal communications, and how you can create an effective internal comms plan that bridges the gap between high-level strategy and day-to-day execution.

Picture of woman looking at a whiteboard

The internal comms balancing act

When it comes to internal communications, the line between strategy and plan often blurs. Your internal audience is diverse – from C-suite executives to frontline employees – each with different information needs and preferences.

Plus, you may need the help of other comms colleagues or executives to achieve your comms goals. This is where a well-structured internal communications plan document becomes crucial.

Key components of an effective internal comms plan

  1. Executive Summary: A concise overview of the plan's purpose, objectives, audience, and key messages.

  2. Purpose and Objectives: Clear statements of why the plan is important and what it aims to achieve.

  3. Target Audience: Segmentation of your internal audience, considering their unique needs and preferences.

  4. Key Messages: 3-5 main messages aligned with your communications strategy, each with supporting points.

  5. Communication Channels and Tools: Outline of primary channels to reach your internal audience.

  6. Content Strategy: Types of content to support your key messages, including an approval process.

  7. Timing and Frequency: A timeline for your communications activities, typically covering 6 months.

  8. Roles and Responsibilities: Clear definition of who is responsible for various aspects of the plan.

  9. Feedback Mechanisms: Methods for collecting and addressing feedback from your internal audience.

  10. Measurement and Evaluation: Metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your communications.

Why you should use PowerPoint for your comms plan

While many communications professionals rely on Microsoft Word or Excel for their planning, using a dedicated PowerPoint template for your internal communications plan document offers several distinct advantages:

  1. Versatility: A well-designed PowerPoint template serves multiple purposes:

Present high-level strategy to the C-suite and senior leaders

Break down detailed tactics for your team

Move seamlessly from in-person to virtual presentations (Teams or Zoom)

Adjust the level of detail based on your audience

Maintain consistency across all your communication initiatives

  1. Visual Appeal: PowerPoint's visual nature allows you to present information in a more engaging and digestible format compared to text-heavy Word documents or data-centric Excel spreadsheets. (have you ever been on a Teams meeting where someone walks through their Word document. Maybe PowerPoint isn't much better...but it's definitely better. 🙂)

  2. Easy Navigation: With clearly structured slides and sections, stakeholders can quickly find the information they need, whether it's high-level strategy or detailed tactics. And in meetings, attendees can easily follow along.

  3. Presentation-Ready: Your plan is always ready for presentation, whether it's a quick overview for executives or a detailed briefing for your team.

  4. Single Source of Truth: Instead of juggling multiple files (Excel for tracking, Word for strategy, PowerPoint for meetings), this template serves as a comprehensive, centralized document for your entire communications project.

  5. Flexibility: Easily update and adjust your plan as needed, without the need to reformat or recreate presentations from scratch.

Complementing project management programs

For communications professionals who use project management tools like Asana, Wrike, Trello, AirTable or other software for detailed task tracking, a PowerPoint template serves as a valuable complement to your comms document management

  1. Executive-Friendly Format: While your project management software holds the nitty-gritty details, this template provides an executive-friendly overview that's perfect for leadership presentations and stakeholder updates. (Sorry to say, those programs are for you...not for your leaders)

  2. Strategic Overview: Use this template to maintain a high-level view of your communications strategy and key initiatives, while your project management software tracks day-to-day tasks and deadlines.

  3. Consistent Messaging: Ensure that the high-level strategy and messaging in your PowerPoint template aligns with the detailed tasks in your project management software, maintaining consistency across all levels of planning and execution.

  4. Efficient Reporting: Quickly pull key information from your project management software into this template for efficient, visually appealing status reports and updates. (sometimes, all you need is a screenshot)

Bringing it all together

The beauty of a well-crafted internal communications plan is its ability to bridge the gap between high-level strategy and practical execution. It allows you to:

  • Present a cohesive strategy to senior leadership

  • Provide detailed tactical guidance to your communications team

  • Adapt your approach based on audience needs and feedback

  • Maintain consistency across all internal communications initiatives

Remember, your internal communications plan should be a living document. As you implement your plan, gather feedback, and measure results, be prepared to refine your approach. The goal is to create a dynamic, responsive internal communications strategy that evolves with your organization's needs.

By combining the strengths of a well-designed PowerPoint template with your existing project management tools, you create a powerful system for planning, executing, and communicating your internal communications initiatives. This approach ensures that you're always prepared to present your strategy and progress, whether you're in a quick stand-up with your team or a board meeting with executives.


Ready to take your internal communications to the next level? Our professional internal communications plan template can guide you through each of these crucial elements, helping you create a comprehensive, effective plan that bridges strategy and execution. It's designed to be your go-to resource for presenting a clear, comprehensive view of your internal communications strategy and plan, complementing your existing workflow while elevating your communication efforts.


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